Monday, December 6, 2010

Photo Shoot

Since the arrival of her little brother, the Empress has had a bit of an adjustment. Of course we discussed with her what the first couple of months might be like when he came home. On the surface she is fine. She is a doting big sister. She adores him. He adores her. But underneath, deep in the core of our Empress, things are upset. She is acting out. She is in tears. She is unreasonable. We decided to let her stay up an extra half hour each night after he goes to bed. It is a half hour of undivided attention. We play games, do crafts, read books, snuggle. It is alone time with mom and dad and she is doing much better because of it. It is good for us as well. I miss my Empress. Little guy takes a lot of attention and time.

So, she asked me if we could do a little photo shoot. Too funny. I told her to pick out three outfits and we would do it. So, what do you think of my little super model? They were the first photos of her new hair cut. Adorable. So grown up for 5.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New Blog for Travel to the Little Guy!

Please follow along on our journey. Not sure how or when we will post. But....we will find a way.

We leave in 18 days. Just think, this time next month we will be a happy family of four!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Finally. Seems there was some problem obtaining baby boy's birth certificate. Because they had that trouble, the other documents required for the embassy appointment were not prepared. So, our embassy date has been moved back to October 6. Actually, that move was a relief. I know, I know, I have been ranting forever on the wait and now I am relieved at we have an extra 2 weeks. Weird. Though I would go tomorrow, I feel sorta pressed at the moment. The Empress has just started Kindergarten, I have cut back to part time and time seems to be slipping through my fingers. I feel the need to get the Empress settled. Kindergarten has unnerved me, not her. We also need to check some important things off our check list before we are ready to travel. First we need to add little guy to our insurance, visit the pediatrician and obtain meds and instructions, visit our medical provider for meds, request money, have Wills drawn up, and many more probably insignificant tasks. Of course there is packing. Ugh. But, as of today we have obtained confirmation of our flights and requested reservations at the guest house associated with our agency. We had planned a brief jaunt to Paris, but that wish simply didn't work out due to connecting flights and having to obtain an additional visa for the little guy. So, we are breaking up the trip by flying first class from here to DC and then on the return flight with little guy, from DC home. Since the flight from here to DC is nearly 8 hours we will stay over one night on the way over and on the way back. From DC the flight to Addis is 15 1/2 hours.....ugh. Talk about a long flight. I just continue to pray that the little guy is a good traveler and we have no major meltdowns...either by him, or myself. So, we are preparing ourselves and will undoubtedly have all the ends tied up before we leave. I hope to blog our trip.....but that will be determined by internet availability.

We will be there in a month!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

First Day of Kindergarten

Today my baby went to school....for the first time ever. I felt like I was walking through a strange dream as I stood in the school yard with dozens of children and their apprehensive parents. It was tough on me. I was incredibly anxious about the whole thing. Was she going to be OK? I worried about everything down to the pick up at the "kinder loop." It is true....I did cry. Briefly. After I left my happy child with her very nice and capable teacher. I can't believe she is in Kindergarten. How did we get here? It was mere moments ago I was changing diapers, searching for pacifiers, and rocking my baby to sleep. Today I saw a completely independent litttle girl. She happily waved at me as she followed her teacher into the school. And when I spied her exiting the school after a full day, she still had a happy little smile on her sweet face. My baby is growing up.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Almost maybe going

Perhaps it is near. Our Embassy date that is. We have a tentative date of September 22, meaning we will be in Ethiopia meeting our little man soon. Perhaps. Maybe. If. First they need the decree from the Court. Then they need to get a birth certificate issued. A letter of recommendation from MOWA. And, finally, a passport and medical exam. Will it happen?? Sure it will. We are in the home stretch now of a very long bumpy journey and NOTHING else could possibly go wrong. Right? Right!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I'm Walkin' On Sunshine...Oh Yah!

Still secretly waiting for something to pop my happy balloon. This can't be real....Can it? For those people who have repeatedly told me not to wish my life away when I wish it was Friday on a Monday, I WISH it was October. Really I do. My little man is waiting and I can't wait to kiss those delectable cheeks.

Is he not the cutest thing ever??

Friday, August 6, 2010

Pleased to Introduce you to.......

The newest member of our family.... Would love to tell you his name. Bursting to tell you his name. But, in order to keep my family safe and private, no can do. But he has a great name. A beautiful name. A strong name.

So, without further ado, I would like to introduce you to our son. Isn't he sweet.

Wasn't sure we would pass. Evidently the adoption authority wrote a recommendation letter to the Court requesting more paperwork. Our attorney somehow (he is a miracle worker in my opinion) convinced the Judge to pass us. So, we received the unbelievably good news that we passed Court today. Today we are parents again. We are a family of 4. The Empress has a baby brother. Today our adoption went through. We fought through many set backs, lots of tears and made it. Today is an excellent day!!

Next stop Ethiopia. We have been told to expect to travel sometime in late September or early October.

Friday, July 30, 2010

August 5, 2010

Pray, people, PRAY!! Court date. Next week. One day before Court's two month closure. Pray.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Excited, then Aggravated, now...Distressed

Guess my topic. Right on. Adoption. The Friday before last we received notice that the transfer of paperwork to the new orphanage would take place the following Monday. It had been like 17 weeks since the debaucle that set us on this path. We were ecstatic. We were also told that more than likely our case would proceed to Court Monday or Tuesday. What a way to start a vacation. On Monday we received a call saying the transfer had happened and our adoption agency thought that Tuesday we would go to Court. That Tuesday we received a call, which was somewhat disheartening. It was basically a recap of what she had told us the day before only now she thought we would get to Court that Friday (last Friday) or early this week. OK. Hold my breath.... So we hear nothing on Friday. We assume that Court will happen Monday or Tuesday. Still holding breath. So Monday, nothing. Tuesday we are told that the contact in Ethiopia is on vacation and they haven't heard anything. here is the kicker....we are told that we have been "filed" with the Court. What?? What?? My question becomes, weren't we filed with the Court in April? We are assured that we will receive a quick Court date. What??? This isn't making sense. We should have "passed" Court not be waiting for a Court date. Court closes in a week and will remain closed until mid-OCTOBER. The answers to my questions remain unanswered. My emails appear to be ignored. I am livid. If we weren't filed in April as we were told then we will have to travel to Ethiopia for our Court date. We were told we wouldn't have to travel months back. Please say it isn't so. Please don't make us wait until October or later to pass Court. Please, enough already.
I have gone around the bend on this. I have no patience. I can't make any rational decisions. I can't even pray, despite many attempts. Why is this happening? If this is some grand plan, I fail to see it. Why Lord?? Why??

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Where the Wild Things....went on vacation

Much needed rest. Relaxation. Up into the woods. Away from people. Away from phones, computers, work. Just hanging with the fam.

Monday we drove our little "Fun Finder" to Lost Trail Resort. Just miles from the bustling burg, Sula, Montana. Jeez....population like, 20? Back to my childhood. So nice to go back again. Somehow things never really change in the woods. We parked our little trailer and settled in. Surprisingly we were the only people there. Nobody in the RV park, nobody in the cabins. Just us. We had the pristine pool to ourselves. It was paradise. With mosquitos and horse flies.

On Thursday we packed up and drove over the pass and into the Big Hole. After lunch at Fetty's Cafe in Wisdom, we headed to our final destination.....Elkhorn Hot Springs. Yep, another hot springs. Are you following our pattern here? Anyway, despite the beauty and remote location, we were nearly eaten alive by the mosquitos and horse flies. Thursday evening BB and Papa J came up from Dillon for dinner. Steak, potatoes and....bugs. Friday Nana, Papa S and Sis arrived for lunch. It was really a beautiful day. But, alas, we called it and headed home not long after our guests left. The Empress is apparently very allergic to mosquito bites and had several swell up to unbelievable size despite benedryl and caladryl. We arrived home late last evening. Exhausted but happy.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

And a marvelous time was had by all!!!

T's sis J is to blame. For it all. It was wonderful. Marvelous really.
Last weekend T's family, plus a hundred or so close family friends and relatives, got together and surprised two of the most special people in the world. T's folks. It was a massive undertaking, but sister J managed to pull it off without a hitch.
The story really started fifty years ago. T's parents wedding. But, the planning for the anniversary party to end all anniversary parties started a couple years back. While at a family reunion at the Lutheran church camp on the lake, J put a down payment on the camp for a weekend. That weekend, nearly 2 years later, was last weekend.
Friday evening we chauffered the folks down to the camp with the tiny fib that we were meeting J for dinner at a cabin she had rented at the other end of the lake. They were oblivious up until they entered the packed dining hall and were regaled by all their favorite people. Friday night was a barbeque and birthday parties for the they both also turn 70 this year. Saturday was kinda a free-for-all on the lake (i.e. boating, swimming, visiting, etc.). Saturday evening after a dinner of burgers and fries we had a sock hop, complete with a DJ playing 50's music and everyone sporting 50's attire. It was marvelous fun. Sunday was a wonderful church service in their honor.
It was truly perfect. T's folks are amazing people and it was sooo nice to show them all how very much we all love them!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Bad

I can't believe that I forgot to wish the love of my life, my reason for living, the father of my child, my best friend, a happy birthday. Well that is not true. I did wish him a happy birthday, just not on my blog. So, happy belated wishes Love!!

T turned 44 on the 28th. It was a super birthday in my opinion. But, then again, it wasn't my birthday. I do believe that he too also thought it was grand. The Empress and I gave him a Kindle. I think he liked it, though he was quick to point out that an ipad is just a few $100 more. I love my Kindle. Love it. And though T has never been the book hound I am, I think he will love it too. He travels alot and what is better than reading a great book to pass the time?

On his birthday we met our wonderful (and extremely thoughtful) friends S and B down at the lake. We jumped in the boat and slowly made our way to "The Docks" for dinner. The Empress loved the trip and even conned B into letting her drive. When we finally arrived we all had high hopes for a wonderful dinner. Alas, that would not be. We literally waited for 30 minutes for our drinks and another full hour until our food arrived. We had all ordered the seared Ahi and we all sent it back. It was horrible. Horrible. I have never, ever, ever sent a meal back. After that we ordered nachos and that too was pathetic, not to mention we paid $12.50 for a plate of cold spaghetti with butter for the Empress. Yuck. Anyway, despite the horrible meal, we still had a blast with our friends. Talk about sweet, they actually stopped at DQ and showed up at the house after getting back to town. They wanted T to have a special treat for his birthday. Awesome.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Total Eclipse

Lights, camera, action! Tonight is the third installment of my love affair with a strangely teen phenomenom. Eclipse. Soooooo giddily excited. I can't say that I am Team Edward or Team Jacob. It is true that I have warmed to Jacob. So, since I am somewhat older than the majority of fans, I think it is perfectly fine to declare my love to them both....I am Team Threesome! Ya, Baby, Ya!

I scored 4 tickets to the VIP Premier of Eclipse. Yes, I am that awesome. So, me and my peeps get to view the movie nearly 4 hours before it opens!! That's right, I will be seeing the movie while the hoards wait in line to enter the theatre. I will be home tucked in my comfy bed with visions of vampires and werewolves dancing in my dreams when the masses finally get to see the movie. I am awesome. Yes, I am!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Having a mental day

Yep. Today I am a train wreck. Totally sad. I feel as if all the joy has been sucked out of the world. Feel like an awful weight is pushing down. I really should have stayed home. Please Lord, bring me some good news today......I truly need it. Turn me toward the blessings in my life. Help me see the joy. Give me the strength to pull myself back up. I have a blessed life. I know that. I really know that. Sometimes it is just hard to see.
Our adoption...... The source of my anguish.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Feeling Like a Wet Pug

The picture below isn't my little pug man Attila, but it sure the heck could be. He hates the rain. Won't go potty for hours. I patiently wait for a tiny break in the deluge and whisk the little guy out where he stands in wet grass as high as his belly. Poor guy. You can't blame him. This weather truly sucks. I keep thinking I am gonna look up from my desk and see a boat floating by outside the window.....and I am on the second floor.
Rain, rain PLEASE go away. Pleeeeaaaaassse?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010

Rain, rain go away!

We have been inundated with rain for the past couple of months. Of course it rains here in the spring and has been known to snow in June, but this year has been wickedly wet. I am sick of it.!!!! Living in northwest Montana we are ever mindful of our winter snow packs and spring moisture because hot dry weather breeds fire and fire is not our friend. This year, I think I can safely say, we will not be experiencing our normal fire season. Too wet. We still have snow in the mountains that hasn't come down yet and the ground is saturated. I fear when it does finally heat up and the snow comes down there will be flooding.

At the moment I feel sun deprived. Seriously sun deprived. The last time I saw it was in Vegas...two months ago. Ugghhhh.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It is better to burn out, than to rust out

In the immortal words of a friend recently passed. It is better to burn out, than to rust out.

Our friend Karen recently passed away after a three year battle with colon cancer. We attended a memorial for her last evening. I have been to many memorials in which it is said to be or intended to be a celebration of life. This was the first that kept that promise and to me, today, it was life changing.

Karen was 49 years old when she died. She had spent 33 years of that time with her husband Fred. They were like bookends. There was never a mention of Karen without Fred, or vice versa. They were entwined so tightly that it was as if they were one person. Fred gave her eulogy. It was a magnificent tribute to the love of his life. How he kept it together I will never know. Perhaps the cancer had prepared him for the moment.

Karen had a love for life. She loved everthing about it and I can honestly say that she lived her life to the fullest. Every single moment of every single day. I can't remember a time that she was not smiling or laughing. What an amazing soul. She wanted to die on her own terms and she did. Cancer did not change Karen. In the end, she burned out, like a candle at the end of it's wick, still bright, still...Karen.

Mostly, I was touched by the Karen and Fred dynamic. It is a bit like us really, though we tend to spend more time apart and do have separate interests and friends. I was just struck by the thought of Fred, surviving. How will he? How would I?

Today I love more deeply than I did yesterday. I intend to appreciate life more fully. Try harder. Love who I am. And most importantly, thank God for each breath. Thank you Karen for sharing yourself with us. Goodbye friend.

Monday, May 24, 2010

See you in another life, brutha.

Lost is finished. Disappointed on so many levels. Now needing to re-watch all 6 seasons. Turns out they were all dead. Not sure when they died....trying to work that out. I believe they may have all died in the plane crash. The island represented a sort of purgatory with Jacob and the man in black locked in a battle for the souls of the losties. Jacob representing good, man in black...evil. I believe our losties, with their sordid pasts and tortured souls, had to reconcile their lives in order to move on. So many things remain unanswered for me in the end. So many things happened in the course of the six year run that are unexplainable and were not addressed in the finale.

In the first season I actually toyed with the dead thing. When I saw Locke walk when he had been in a wheel chair, or learned Rose was terminally ill, but the island healed her, I thought perhaps they were in purgatory. I remember discussing that theory. But then things happened, that in retrospect make no sense and do not contribute at all to the final outcome of things. Why? It is as if the writers had no idea where they were taking us and tried out ideas that they eventually shelved. But I remember those little side bars and have attempted to fit those in the big picture, with no success.

In the end. Perhaps it is like the Robin Williams movie "What Dreams May Come." That movie freaked me out. Maybe death is like that. A series of unexplainable dreams. Maybe things don't mesh because they're not supposed to. Maybe.

I know that I will be working this through for days. Perhaps I will hit on the missing piece of the puzzle that will explain it for me. But I doubt it.

So, in the words of my fav Lost character Desmond Hume, "see you in another life, brutha."

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Blindly Blogging

The non-update. Apparently there is an election happening in Ethiopia. Therefore, I am told, all officials are working on the election....and not on my adoption. Frustrating. But, I can't help but feel like this thing will happen soon. Like out of the blue or something. That's my hope anyway. Sometimes I sit here at my desk and envision the phone ringing and a happy voice on the other end saying that the mess has been sorted out, finally. I hope that day comes soon. Hmmmm....wouldn't it be nice if that happy voice also said they had decided, for all our trouble, to push us to the front of the line. That we are being pushed through Court and our Embassy date is in two weeks?? That is the stuff of day dreams. Unrealistic for sure. But lovely nonetheless.
Fingers and toes still crossed. Prayers sent heavenward. Still waiting for the happy voice.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Vegas Baby...Yeah!

Vegas was incredibly overstimulating. I think if I lived there I might develope seizures. Serious lights, sound, smoke, heat, food, money, sin.....and every other little thing. With that said....Awesome.

We had soooo much fun. T and I had never been there. Can say we never really wanted to go there. But we had the opportunity to go with two of our most fabulous friends S & B, and we had a ball. S got us a super deal with Allegiance Air and Ceasar's Palace. And, what better time to go to Vegas for the first time, but your 41st Birthday! That's right, old man time has once again placed another heavy year on my tired shoulders. We did a bit of everything. We drank (not much, but some :)), we ate, we gambled (for 20 minutes!), we ate some more, we shopped, and we walked and walked and walked and walked. We walked until our blisters had blisters. We walked until we very nearly dropped. And, we saw some shows. Ah, the shows. The best we saw was The Beatles Love - Cirque Du Soleil. S got us seats in row 4. Had to be the best seats in the house. It was soooooo astonishingly good that I was seriously near tears.

So I am older, yes. Wiser, perhaps. And, I have been to Vegas!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wallowing?.....perhaps a little.

Last week was tough. I had a day of tortuous red-eyed, self pitying...wallowing. Lots of why mes. But, past that. If you know me then you know that I am by description, pessimistic. The classic glass half empty gal. Actually mostly glass empty gal. I used to refer to myself as an idealist, but really, honestly, pessimistic fits.

Now last week, I actually thought we would pass Court without a problem. I experienced a momentary lapse of pessimism and was positive we would pass. WHAM. Guess that is what you get when you deviate from your true self.

Honestly, pessimism has been given a bad rap. I say that because when you expect the worst then you are pleasantly surprised when things go your way. Perhaps I have never felt worthy. Sorta, why would things go MY way. Why do I deserve it. Ya know what I mean? I really tried positive thinking. I gave it a shot. But let me tell you, when you expect something to happen and it doesn't, it really, really sucks!

For now, and really everyday of my life, my fate is in God's hands. Ultimately, he is in control of my destiny. So, I give it all up to him. It is his. I am going on faith and trusting this will all work out.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Today was our Court date in Ethiopia. We did not pass Court. We are heartbroken. Our agency is bewildered. At the moment there are no answers. Only monumental questions. Normally, a family would be assigned a new Court date and the issue would be resolved before the Court appearance. With us it is different. Seems our little man came from an orphanage that recently had sanctions placed upon them. For what I don't know. But since their license is currently not approved, then all the paperwork for our little man will no longer be accepted by the Court. Nobody knows what to do. This has apparently never happened before. What does this mean for us? What does this mean for our little man? Our hearts are breaking. We are devastated.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Still finding it hard to post. Too much swirling around my already crowded head. Very busy at work, home, life. But there is a little sunshine to tide me over. Him. Our little man.

Last week we got the good news that Ethiopia would not be requiring the two trips for the time being. Huge for us since going there once will nearly break the bank. The day after we received that bit of good news we got an even better bit....our Court date!! Not to give too much away, as I am still extremely leery about posting too much and getting my butt in trouble, but it is next week. Next week we will hopefully pass Court. Next week he will, for all intents and purposes, be ours! So, if you are reading this keep sending positive thoughts our way and if you pray, send one up to the Big Guy for us. If we pass, and I think we will, then we wait for our Embassy appointment date. When we get that we go. Could be sooner, but really hoping for June.

The Empress and I, with a bit of help from T, put the nursery together this past weekend. It turned out cute, but feels really incomplete. With the Empress we had tons of clothes and toys and lots and lots of girly girl things for her before she arrived. With him, not much. We decided on an elephant theme and I have a few real cute elephant goodies. I took apart some of my childhood "Babar" books, (*cringe") framed some of the pages and called it good. Babar was one of my favorites as a child and I had all the books.....they are all over 40 years old. Sad I took them apart, but plan on replacing them soon for our little guy.

We got an update on "him" on Friday. He is growing and is currently tipping the scales at 20 lbs. He is also an amazing 27 in. Perhaps that doesn't sound big to anyone else, but we only have experience with one little peanut from China. He is crawling, too. I am sending an iron supplement and multi-vitamin over with a traveling family this week. Hopefully our boy will have kicked his iron deficiency anemia by the time we bring him home. The gal who is taking the meds to him has also promised lots of pictures. Hooray. I only have a week to wait to see more of those big brown eyes.

Gotta close. Things are moving along and we couldn't be more happy!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Growing Absence

So here is what happened. I truly intended to pick up the pace. I intended to post several February goodies, as February has always been insanely packed with activity. But, we got our referral. Seems like that would be a reason to write...and it definately is. We are excited beyond words. Our house is a flurry of baby related activity. But, here's the rub....I am unable to say too much about our little bundle of boy joy. It could actually jeopardize our adoption. I will say, and I am confident I can say, that we are now waiting for our Court date. This could take a couple months. After we pass Court, which is possible on the first try, but ultimately not always probable, he will be ours and I can spill all the beans about his adorableness! For now, we wait and continue with paperwork. Next week we travel to Helena to have our fingerprints done. Hopefully after that our government paperwork will be completed and we can put that behind us. If we pass Court on the first try, and I feel we will, then it is approximately two more months before we can travel to get our little guy. It will be a quick trip in comparison to China, but one we are both totally looking forward too. The Empress and Tootie and the Pug Man (our sweet lovable dogs) will have a bit of an adventure as well as BB and Papa J will be taking care of them in our absence. T's sister JG will be traveling with us and we are both relieved and excited as she is a nurse and it is always a bonus to have a nurse on a journey to a third world country. Last adoption we took my sis S....who consequently is also a nurse.
So, for now, that is all the information I am able to share. Just know we are soooooo blessed in the referral we have received. He will fit our family perfectly. Happily, my dreams now have a sweet face!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Long Overdue Recap.....and, the NEW ADDITION

Shoot. Somehow I have become a major blogging slacker. Now I have the unpleasant duty to recap a very eventful couple of weeks. Here we go...

On February 13th we had a Chinese New Year dinner party. Somewhat poorly planned. I literally prepped for 4 hours and cooked for 1 hour. Though it was all very tasty, I think the sheer magnitude dulled the flavor. I wasn't impressed, but our guests seemed like they were. After dinner we celebrated the New Year with fireworks...and they were awesome. The Empress looked adorable in her blue silk dress and she thoroughly enjoyed her "lucky money" and stuffed Tiger.

Happy Valentine's Day and our little pug man's 2nd birthday. I gorged myself with my favorite chocolates...Fran's Gray Salt Caramels. Oh my!

Monday was President's Day....woopee. Court Holiday. Day off.

The Empress' 5th birthday was the 18th. She has been sooooo excited for weeks. T left on Tuesday for NASA. (Yes, I said NASA!) So, he missed the big day. And, her early birthday present on the 17th. Which leads us to the NEW ADDITION....

On Wednesday, the 17th, while sitting at my desk at work, I received THE CALL. Yes, THE CALL. We received the referral of our baby boy. Hooray, and he is simply adorable. Can't say too much more until we are officially his parents, but we are so excited and extremely happy. The Empress was elated to "get" a baby brother for her 5th birthday. I am disappointed that T was not here as we were unable to gaze upon his little face together, but we managed to connect by phone and we both agree that he is perfect and our little family is finally complete. Happiness.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Heart for Haiti

If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me if we had thought about adopting an earthquake orphan from Haiti, I would have a million dollars to donate to the Hope for Haiti cause.

I am no expert on international adoption, but I would guess I know quite a bit more than the average person. Our current international adoption is nearing the two year mark. This is a process people. In order to protect the children involved, extensive paperwork is required. Apparently child trafficing is something either you haven't considered, or perhaps you feel by neglecting the situation it will disappear, or fail to exist at all. Truth is it is very real. And, it is happening right now in Haiti.

While it is very true that there are some very big hearted people concerned for these children. It is also true that they may not have thought the whole orphan definition through. What if a baby's parents were suddenly killed in a horrible earthquake. That child needs help. You can provide a home, education, love, family. You step up hoping to do the right thing. In your mind you are saving that child. Well, what if that baby's father was at work across town and was injured in the earthquake and unable to locate his family in the aftermath of the earthquake? What if that baby's grandmother lives in the next village? What if it's brother was playing with friends down the street? What if? Suddenly you are breaking up a family. A loving family that because of the earthquake are unable to locate each other quickly?

Send aid. Volunteer your time. This is not the time for adopting the orphans of Haiti. It is too soon. The Haitian government is not able to process adoptions right now. They are currently dealing with the much bigger issue of 200,000+ dead. Any adoption that goes through now, not including those adoptions that were in process with paperwork completed, should not be trusted. Wait it out. Provide help, but please don't jump into a quick adoption. You may be breaking up a family.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The "Lost" Lobotomy

So I have been waiting, ever so patiently, for the premier of my FAVORITE show. Lost. Yes, Lost. I am a "Lostie." I "get Lost in Lost." Last night was the night. I choreographed the entire evening so that the moment the premier started I would be happily, snuggly, tucked away in my chair with no distractions. I worked out, ate, cleaned the kitchen and put the Empress to bed.

And so it began. After last season's finale, I thought I had a good grasp on what was going on. I thought, probably stupidly, that this year would sorta wrap that little package up, so to speak. Thought we would begin to understand. But I am sooooo confused.

The hydrogen bomb was detonated. They are suddenly on the plane, back where they belong? Jack is there, Hurley, Kate, Sawyer, and even Locke. But, suddenly it gets kinda weird. Boone is there, but Shannon isn't. Maybe I am reading too much in to it, but I thought that strange. And what about Desmond, brutha? He was never on the first flight, so why was he on this flight, and why did he seem to disappear from the plane half way through the flight? Did Jack imagine him? As they pass over where the island should be we get an underwater view of the sunken island. Has it worked?

Flash sideways?? They are waking up....on the island after the explosion. They appear to be in the correct time. Goodbye 70's. But, I don't get it. Is this a parallel universe? Juliet lives, for an appreciable amount of time. During that time she talks about getting a cup of coffee with Sawyer, but dies after telling him she has something to tell him. As he is burying her he asks Miles what she meant. After communing with the dead Juliet he says...."she said it worked." So is an alive Juliet walking around in a parallel universe waiting to one day have coffee with Sawyer?

Jacob is back, but dead? Sayid dies and comes Jacob, perhaps? Locke isn't Locke, but the man in black and the smoke monster. There is a temple with special healing waters and an asian guy who appears to be in charge. New "others."

Sorry for the randomness, but really that is what it was, random. Of course I LOVED it!! It was fabulous. Thought provoking maze of connecting chaos. How?? Why?? Really??

Friday, January 29, 2010

Uninspired and lazy

Wow, I was shocked to see that I have posted a mere 3 times this year. Pathetic. And, each post was either about my fat a** or sickness. Sorry. I promise to straighten up and fly right. This weekend I plan to rack my brain, to really browse by mental files, and come up with something interesting to write about. Of course the Empress is always an option...and a good one. Perhaps some photos would be nice?

Feeling just so, uninspired. Oh, and thoroughly lazy.

Monday, January 25, 2010

In the Pink

Guck. Pink eye. How I got it is a mystery since the Empress is "pink" free. In my last post I was happily at work and contemplating working out again. Wow, that bus hit the wall. Friday morning I woke up with one foot in the grave and what felt like a sand castle in my left eye. High fever, racking cough, body aches and horrible skull crushing headache. Did I mention, no voice. I dropped the Empress off and parked myself at Urgent care.

After a couple days of antibiotics the body, as well as the eye, are rebounding. I could seriously use one more day in bed, but work calls.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Off The Wagon

Yep, I am currently off the shred wagon. I am feeling guilty, but honestly my reason for not working out is legit. Last Saturday I woke up with a migraine. Used to get them alot, but haven't for the better part of a year, so was sorta surprised by it. It was awful. I had all the wacked out senses that would make me a super hero any other day. Literally I can hear a pin drop from a mile away. Normal talking is shouting. The rustle of sheets on a bed...deafening. I also had the blood hound nose. That just makes me nauseous. Blah. So, spent some time in bed trying not to move. On Sunday, no migraine, hooray. But, sore throat. O'well I thought, down a little aireborne and kick it right away. It got worse. Monday was bad. Spent most of the day in bed. Worked Tuesday. Well, more like occupied my desk. Throat still sore. Really, really sore. Wednesday, went to a funeral and then home to bed. Still yucky. Took some yummy codeine cough syrup....definately my drug of choice, and slept. Today, no sore throat....but horrible cough and no voice. Moral of the story. Too punk to work out. Feel guilty every minute. Feel like I am losing ground. Believe me it is going to suck shredding after nearly a week off. Dreading it, but at the same time looking forward.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Feeling very motivated in the New Year. Not to blog...obviously. You could say I am motivated by skinny jeans. I am on day 6 of the 30 day shred.
I need to lose 50 pounds. Not exaggerating. 50 flippin pounds. I wonder how I got where I am. But loosely speaking I have spent at least the last decade pigging out. No exercise. It was if I was allergic to exercise you might say. And now I am paying the price. Because....I want those skinny jeans.
Have you heard of the 30 day shred? Torture, pure torture. That crazy TV trainer Jillian Michaels is responsible for this torture. I personally despise this person. To me she is not inspirational, she is just pure evil. Each workout reminds me of how much I truly dislike her. But, the workout is kick ass. Seriously. It is the toughest thing ever. The first couple of times I struggled to even breathe and there were several scary moments where I was concerned about keeling over. But I have kept with it. And, with any luck I will move to the next level of hell this week.
5 pounds gone....45 more to go.