The newest member of our family.... Would love to tell you his name. Bursting to tell you his name. But, in order to keep my family safe and private, no can do. But he has a great name. A beautiful name. A strong name.
So, without further ado, I would like to introduce you to our son. Isn't he sweet.
Wasn't sure we would pass. Evidently the adoption authority wrote a recommendation letter to the Court requesting more paperwork. Our attorney somehow (he is a miracle worker in my opinion) convinced the Judge to pass us. So, we received the unbelievably good news that we passed Court today. Today we are parents again. We are a family of 4. The Empress has a baby brother. Today our adoption went through. We fought through many set backs, lots of tears and made it. Today is an excellent day!!
Next stop Ethiopia. We have been told to expect to travel sometime in late September or early October.
Oh my gosh! Finally!!! Congratulations!!!!! Best news I've seen all day.