T's sis J is to blame. For it all. It was wonderful. Marvelous really.
Last weekend T's family, plus a hundred or so close family friends and relatives, got together and surprised two of the most special people in the world. T's folks. It was a massive undertaking, but sister J managed to pull it off without a hitch.
The story really started fifty years ago. T's parents wedding. But, the planning for the anniversary party to end all anniversary parties started a couple years back. While at a family reunion at the Lutheran church camp on the lake, J put a down payment on the camp for a weekend. That weekend, nearly 2 years later, was last weekend.
Friday evening we chauffered the folks down to the camp with the tiny fib that we were meeting J for dinner at a cabin she had rented at the other end of the lake. They were oblivious up until they entered the packed dining hall and were regaled by all their favorite people. Friday night was a barbeque and birthday parties for the two....as they both also turn 70 this year. Saturday was kinda a free-for-all on the lake (i.e. boating, swimming, visiting, etc.). Saturday evening after a dinner of burgers and fries we had a sock hop, complete with a DJ playing 50's music and everyone sporting 50's attire. It was marvelous fun. Sunday was a wonderful church service in their honor.
It was truly perfect. T's folks are amazing people and it was sooo nice to show them all how very much we all love them!
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