Thursday, February 4, 2010

Heart for Haiti

If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me if we had thought about adopting an earthquake orphan from Haiti, I would have a million dollars to donate to the Hope for Haiti cause.

I am no expert on international adoption, but I would guess I know quite a bit more than the average person. Our current international adoption is nearing the two year mark. This is a process people. In order to protect the children involved, extensive paperwork is required. Apparently child trafficing is something either you haven't considered, or perhaps you feel by neglecting the situation it will disappear, or fail to exist at all. Truth is it is very real. And, it is happening right now in Haiti.

While it is very true that there are some very big hearted people concerned for these children. It is also true that they may not have thought the whole orphan definition through. What if a baby's parents were suddenly killed in a horrible earthquake. That child needs help. You can provide a home, education, love, family. You step up hoping to do the right thing. In your mind you are saving that child. Well, what if that baby's father was at work across town and was injured in the earthquake and unable to locate his family in the aftermath of the earthquake? What if that baby's grandmother lives in the next village? What if it's brother was playing with friends down the street? What if? Suddenly you are breaking up a family. A loving family that because of the earthquake are unable to locate each other quickly?

Send aid. Volunteer your time. This is not the time for adopting the orphans of Haiti. It is too soon. The Haitian government is not able to process adoptions right now. They are currently dealing with the much bigger issue of 200,000+ dead. Any adoption that goes through now, not including those adoptions that were in process with paperwork completed, should not be trusted. Wait it out. Provide help, but please don't jump into a quick adoption. You may be breaking up a family.

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