Friday, January 23, 2009

Juvenile Obsession

I am obsessed with the Twilight series. I know it is juvenile. In my defense I began reading the series before I knew a movie was coming out. My interest grew mainly from reading "The Historian" and then wanting to somehow continue reading in some fashion about vampires. I went on Amazon, did a quick search and came up with the series. When I read the story line I was sure I wouldn't like it. I mean, how could a story about a girl who falls in love with a vampire be any good?? The reviews were all stellar and I just caved and bought it thinking it would be a brainless guilty pleasure. I knew it was a young adult series. I remember thinking to myself after a few pages that I couldn't continue. That is until I met Edward Cullen. I was hopelessly lost to the series. I wanted to spend all my waking moments reading the books. Loved them. Stupid I know. Now I know I should join, or perhaps organize, a Twilighters anonymous group.
"Hi, my name is J. I am a middle aged woman in love with a 17 year old vampire."

1 comment:

  1. I have been wanting to read these. Don't are not alone. My sister-in-law read them all in about a weeks time and thinks they are the bees knees. She is nearing 40. Edward must be a remarkable guy :).
