Monday, March 2, 2009

Cabin Fever

I admit it, I have gone around the bend. I'm a nut. I don't see dead people, or anything along that line, just got a pretty classic case of cabin fever.

I live in Montana. The winters are cold, dark and endless. On top of all of that, I live in the Flathead. The beauty is absolutely remarkable in the summer, but the combination of the valley inversion and the lake effect, mean we don't generally see the sun from October to May...sometimes June. T and I are originally from southwestern Montana. The altitude is higher and the winter temperature has been known to dip to -20 below, but the sky is always blue and the sun shining. I miss that. I can deal with that. I can't deal with the dark, dreary days of our endless Flathead winters. Agghhh.

Perhaps it has a little something to do with the Empress turning 4. She is driving me nuts, and she is proving to have the driving skills of a race car driver. Was there some switch that flipped the day she turned 4? She cries over the silliest things, refuses to mind her mama, and last week pooped her pants. Apparently, this is classic 4 year old behaviour....right? Doesn't help that I have been single parent mom for a week. The Empress and I need a tiny vacation from each other.

Sleep.....nope, totally sleep deprived. Huge part of the problem.

Perfect solution.......sunshine, solitude, sleep.

1 comment:

  1. We feel the same way about winter here in southwestern PA. Steve and I were just lamenting the fact that we have 6 months of winter around here and my dad says the sun never shines here. School was delayed 2 hours just this morning because of extreme cold and wind. Yecchhhh! Can't wait for summer!!!
