Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Oink, Oink, Oink

Nope, this is not going to be a post on being tubby. Though it very well could be. Currently our world is facing a pandemic. Swine flu. Just the name sends creepy crawlies under my skin. Who would of thought that we could get sick from contact with a pig with the flu. Or that a pig could get the flu. Stranger still a Canadian farmer who had recently returned from a vacation to Mexico brought it home and apparently infected his pigs with the swine flu.

So this is concerning to me. According to the CDC the swine flu isn't all that bad. Really nothing worse than the flu that makes it's rounds each year around this time. The problem is that this strain is new, sort of a combination, if you will, of flus, and the CDC does not have a vaccine for it yet. This means that a whole lot of folks could get this thing before it is done. People are dying from it. But, thousands of people die each year from the regular flu. I guess it just means that we need to take extra precautions.

Now, despite my pleas, T left this morning for Dallas. Yes, he is flying to close as he could possibly get to Mexico, without actually going there. He is only there a couple of days, but that is long enough to be the first Montanan to contract the swine flu. I really hope he escapes it, and he probably will, but I worry about the flight (recirculated germs! yuck!), and he has a tendency to get worn down from all the travel.

He will be fine, right? We will all be fine.

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