Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Into The Woods

Sunday morning we packed up the camper and headed to the lake. It was a rushed trip to get to the woods and it was our first trip of the year, so we had a couple problems to begin with. But, after ironing those little wrinkles out, we had a super time. We had some thunder and a little rain, but we retreated to the trailer and played with playdough and put a puzzle together. When it let up we ran out and started a fire and made smores. Yum. T and the Empress headed down to the lake for their very first fishing experience. I read, swatted bugs and kept the dogs company. After dinner we made ice cream. Good times. Good times. Monday morning we got up early and we all hiked around the area and strolled along the shore of the lake. On the way home we mentally listed all the things we forgot to bring, needed to buy, and thought would make our lives in the woods easier. Can't wait to go again.

She Likes to Move It, Move it!!

The Empress' dance recital was Saturday night. It was fabulous. That is....her performance, not the recital on a whole, which was too long and repetitive. Her dance was number 26 out of 30. I was terribly nervous, but she was awesome. It was priceless. BB and Papa Joe came up for the recital. After her final curtain call we showered her with flowers and then rushed home for an ice cream treat. Special, Special night.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lazy Weekend

I am blogging from the front yard. In a lawn chair. Totally looking like a redneck. But, it is pleasant.....lovely really. The sun is out. Haven't seen the sun for what feels like a decade. The Empress is furiously peddling her little pink "Torker" bike back and forth down the sidewalk. She has learned how to create the skid mark, and is working diligently to lay the perfect one down. Over and over she peddles past me. This delights me. A mere week ago she was terrified of her bike because it went to fast and she might fall off. She refused to ride it anywhere but in the garage around and around in a circle. I am so happy she has finally overcome that fear.
I think she has ADD. She jumps off her bike and grabs her little princess fishing pole. She is an amazing caster. Seriously, she can cast it like 25 feet. Of course the wind is blowing, but it is still impressive. I am excited for our first camping trip and her first fishing trip with her dad. I really love the summer.
Oops, gotta get out of the sun. Yesterday the Empress and I planted "seeds" and I really burned my forehead. Ouch, but a good, albeit painful, memory from an awesome day.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

OMG....I am still trying to figure it out.

Last night was the two hour season finale of Lost. I love Lost. Tonight we FINALLY see Jacob. I would like to say this answered some questions, but alas it just raised more. An hour after seeing the finale I was in bed furiously googling all things Jacob. You see I thought I had a grasp on what this all meant. This morning it is fuzzy at best and once again I am confused.

After the show I was compelled to find out the signficance of the name Jacob....or if there actually was any significance. Jacob literally means - Supplanter or Usurper. Interesting, but still doesn't fit my big picture. I know of the biblical Jacob and was hoping to find an adversary to Jacob in the bible that perhaps I had forgotten about. The biblical Jacob was the son of Isaac. He tricks his father and steals his brother's birthright. Thus the meaning of the name becomes clear. However, still not seeing the pieces fall into place. You see, I am trying hard to understand the existence of the unidentified man....the man that later appears to be a living Locke....who finds the "loophole." At the beginning of the program we see Jacob on the beach watching a (very old) sailing ship approach the island. Then a man appears and their exchange seems to explain that Jacob has again brought people to the island, and that this is all perhaps a game he and this unidentified man play over and over again. Is this a struggle of good and evil. Are these two men God and Satan? I don't know. I think it may be something like that.

In the show Jacob appeared to all of the members of our little group prior to their coming to the island. Is this a struggle for the souls of the Losties between God and Satan?

Ahhhh, so confused. I love this show.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mom...It's Who I Am!

Best thing that ever happened to me was becoming a mom. I love it. Every minute. It is a thankless job, but I love it.
Strange, but I never wanted to be a mom. That is until I began to hear that "clock" everyone talks about. It is real. Weird, but true. At that time, T had just completed treatment for his brain tumor. It was like a beginning. A new life. I remember I came home one day and blurted out "I want to have a baby!" T looked at me and said...."Okay." After months of trying, I said, "Let's adopt." He said, "Okay." Then at the very same time we said..."China!!"
When the Empress was placed in my arms it began. Motherhood. A love affair that will last my whole life. I used to be the person who refused to hold her friends new babies. I used to be the person who was uncomfortable around children, who commented on unruly kids, and the lack of discipline parents were using. Today I am a mom and all that has changed. The Empress is the best thing that ever happened. She changed my life. She opened my heart.

Happy Mother's Day....the best day ever.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Trekkie at Heart

Tonight we saw the new Star Trek movie. Awesome. James Tiberius Kirk never looked so good. Really.

I was a skeptic. A die hard trekkie. But...pleasantly surprised.
Live Long and Prosper!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Oink, Oink, Oink

Nope, this is not going to be a post on being tubby. Though it very well could be. Currently our world is facing a pandemic. Swine flu. Just the name sends creepy crawlies under my skin. Who would of thought that we could get sick from contact with a pig with the flu. Or that a pig could get the flu. Stranger still a Canadian farmer who had recently returned from a vacation to Mexico brought it home and apparently infected his pigs with the swine flu.

So this is concerning to me. According to the CDC the swine flu isn't all that bad. Really nothing worse than the flu that makes it's rounds each year around this time. The problem is that this strain is new, sort of a combination, if you will, of flus, and the CDC does not have a vaccine for it yet. This means that a whole lot of folks could get this thing before it is done. People are dying from it. But, thousands of people die each year from the regular flu. I guess it just means that we need to take extra precautions.

Now, despite my pleas, T left this morning for Dallas. Yes, he is flying to Texas...as close as he could possibly get to Mexico, without actually going there. He is only there a couple of days, but that is long enough to be the first Montanan to contract the swine flu. I really hope he escapes it, and he probably will, but I worry about the flight (recirculated germs! yuck!), and he has a tendency to get worn down from all the travel.

He will be fine, right? We will all be fine.