Thursday, September 17, 2009


The Empress did something yesterday that I wouldn't have thought she would ever do....she spit on her best friend. Not once, but twice. Not sure of the details of the unfortunate event and the Empress is not really willing to give up many details. I do, however, know that she was punished with timeout and was unable to participate in "sharing," which broke her little heart. She apologized to her best bud, and things seem to be OK. Totally amazed she chose to spit. When and where has she even witnessed this sort of behavior?

As a parent I could choose to try to justify her behavior by saying that she must have been provoked or was not feeling well, but to do that would be ridiculous. Simply ridiculous. Her behavior was inexcusable and under no circumstance would it ever be justifiable. Of course we had a long discussion about the spitting incident last night and through tears I could tell she was truly remorseful, but I can't help but wonder what caused her to react so strangely.

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