Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hippity-Hoppity Easter

My girl. She is so happy today. E.Bunny brought our Empress a shiny new bike.

A month ago, the Empress finally rode her bike without training wheels. We were actually sure and quite content it would never happen. She is a timid girl and for years she has made very meager attempts at riding her bike. Last year she rode it only a half dozen times. Apparently, according to the Empress, it went too fast. Yep, even with training wheels. Even though I could have passed her walking.

This year things changed. Could be she felt the pressure of being six years old and an AFG'er (Almost First Grader...her words, lol.) and it made her suck up her insecurities and go for it. Or, could be I let it slip that we would buy her a new bike if she learned to ride without training wheels. Whatever the reason, she did it. She is cruising like an old pro. We are so proud.

I made a little phone call to my friend the Easter Bunny and this morning my little Empress lit up like the sun with pleasure. The new bike was worth every penny and more.

**On an Easter note - He is risen. In this commercialized holiday it is easy to forget the importance and miracle of today. Today we celebrate our Saviour. Let us not forget. Happy Easter.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, she's growing up so fast!! She looks so happy, healthy and confident, you must be so proud.
