Monday, May 23, 2011

Introducing our "Tiny Dancer"

Saturday night was the Empress' third dance recital. The prior two were with a different dance studio that we left for several reasons. The new one....well, all I will say is, it is prestigious, expensive, and, well.... disappointing. The Empress loves to dance and ballet has been her favorite. This tickles me, as I loved ballet and danced for over 10 years. Her goal is the toe shoe. It is years and years away, but that is her motivation. Plus, she is very good. Has a lovely elegance about her dancing.

So, the disappointment. Well, shall we say that I paid a lot of money and I expect her class to at a minimum, know a very basic routine. Minus several minutes of "free dancing" on stage. For goodness sake, her program two years ago was 100 times better. I am not knocking my daughter here. She did all the moves perfectly. She was the only one. I had to tell her after the rehearsal to just focus on herself as she was whispering and pointing to the other little girls who were completely lost. Saturday she did great. Smiled and focused on herself. I was very proud of her.

Now, with that said, I do not want to continue with this dance studio. I have given the Empress several options: go back to the prior studio (which she loved), take a year off, try gymnastics, or taekwondo. The Empress immediately said that she would like to take a year off and try gymnastics. I agreed. But, she made it clear to me that she would only be taking a year off, then she would return to ballet.

Good. Feeling better. Glad she has another year of dance behind her. Looking forward to filing our Monday evenings with something a little more productive.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Muffins for Moms

Friday was a marvelous day. I got to go to school with the Empress. In celebration of Mother's Day, the Kindergarten did a "Muffins for Moms" day. She made me the most beautiful hat. Frankly, when I saw the hat, I was quite sad that I hadn't had it the week before for the royal wedding. I would have given those royals a run for their money in a lovely hat contest. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I would be able to model my hat for the Kentucky Derby. Oh, how I love "hat" events. Anyway, the Empress also made me a sweet card with pictures and we were able to start a project together that will be presented to T at the "Donuts for Dads" get together for Father's Day. Of course we also had muffins. Yum. I would have loved to spend more time at school with her. I was so fun.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hippity-Hoppity Easter

My girl. She is so happy today. E.Bunny brought our Empress a shiny new bike.

A month ago, the Empress finally rode her bike without training wheels. We were actually sure and quite content it would never happen. She is a timid girl and for years she has made very meager attempts at riding her bike. Last year she rode it only a half dozen times. Apparently, according to the Empress, it went too fast. Yep, even with training wheels. Even though I could have passed her walking.

This year things changed. Could be she felt the pressure of being six years old and an AFG'er (Almost First Grader...her words, lol.) and it made her suck up her insecurities and go for it. Or, could be I let it slip that we would buy her a new bike if she learned to ride without training wheels. Whatever the reason, she did it. She is cruising like an old pro. We are so proud.

I made a little phone call to my friend the Easter Bunny and this morning my little Empress lit up like the sun with pleasure. The new bike was worth every penny and more.

**On an Easter note - He is risen. In this commercialized holiday it is easy to forget the importance and miracle of today. Today we celebrate our Saviour. Let us not forget. Happy Easter.

Friday, April 22, 2011

I love you Earth!

Happy Earth Day!! April 22, 2011.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Five years....already??

Five years ago yesterday the wonderful Chinese people placed the most precious of precious gifts in our arms. The Empress. Five years ago today she officially became forever ours. Daughter, what a marvelous word. I have said it before and I will say it many, many, times more, she is the light of my life. What an awesome gift. If only you knew her. She is so fascinating. Such a wise voice in such a petite little body. She is stunningly beautiful and remarkably kind. It goes without saying, but I love her. So much. She has changed my life for the better. I love being her mom. I am sooo proud of her. I am also VERY protective as well....sorta like a mama bear! She is destined for greatness. Mark my words, she will do amazing things in her life.

Friday, January 7, 2011

20 Factoids about my Empress

1. Her live without possession is a blanket that was given to her at her homecoming. She has a special corner she calls "greenie" that she puts her little thumb in.
2. Her favorite stuffed animal is an Eyore she has had forever. Actually it is her second. I bought three thankfully. The first one had it's tail pulled off.
3. She holds onto Eyore's tail when she is scared.
4. She can count to ten in sign, English, Spanish, Russian and Madarin.
5. Her favorite TV show is iCarly.
6. She loves Chemistry.
7. Her Kindergarten teacher told us that she is "more advanced" than the other children in her class.
8. She can add, subtract and multiply.
9. The girl can hula hoop like nobody else I have ever seen.
10. She loves to swim.
11. She won't ride her bike because it goes too fast. She still has training wheels.
12. She loves her brother. She told me that she missed him even before she knew him. :)
13. The Empress can name any singer on the radio and has been able to since she was 2.
14. She has very thick black brown hair.
15. She wants to be a ballerina when she grows up.....or work at Target, or the bank. (too funny since she is exceptionally intelligent and has the makings of a brain surgeon.)
16. She has a chinese baby doll named Mei Mei.
17. She loves to go camping.
18. She can do a 100 piece puzzle by herself in record time.
19. She has been skiing since she was 3.
20. All she ever wanted was to be a big sister.
The Empress is truly my heart. I can't even quantify how much I love her. She is my favorite thing in the whole world. I shudder to think that she will be six next month. How did that happen? Her whole life changed with the arrival of her little brother. She is still the center of the universe only now she shares the spotlight with him. That has been hard on the little dear. She clings to me now and seems to fight him for my attention. It breaks my heart to see her sad. She is an extraordinary person. Extremely beautiful, amazingly intelligent, super kind and loving, witty sense of humor, and a great helper. My Empress is a bit Sweetie!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Crazy good at Wii

Oh, my, that is an understatement.

About 2 Christmas' ago we got a Wii. In the first 22 months of owning our Wii, we collectively played it for about 1 hour. Suddenly a thought springs to mind and I suggest a couple months back that we play Wii for the half an hour the Empress is awake after her little bro is put to bed. You see, we had been playing cards and board games, but alas our Empress is a sore loser and we eventually banned games until she was mature enough to lose with a smile. So, we brought out the Wii. None of us had ever played the Sports games that come with the Wii. Quickly it became apparent that she had the touch, and sadly, T and I did not. We routinely play golf, bowling, tennis and baseball, and darned if she doesn't beat us each time. It is crazy really. She has the most interesting techniques. Techniques that include kicking legs that aren't required in the sport we are playing. She bowls strikes, hits home runs, serves "heat" on the tennis court, and makes unbelievable hole in one shots in golf.

Wii is fun. It has really brought the three of us closer in her special nightly half hours.