Friday, July 30, 2010

August 5, 2010

Pray, people, PRAY!! Court date. Next week. One day before Court's two month closure. Pray.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Excited, then Aggravated, now...Distressed

Guess my topic. Right on. Adoption. The Friday before last we received notice that the transfer of paperwork to the new orphanage would take place the following Monday. It had been like 17 weeks since the debaucle that set us on this path. We were ecstatic. We were also told that more than likely our case would proceed to Court Monday or Tuesday. What a way to start a vacation. On Monday we received a call saying the transfer had happened and our adoption agency thought that Tuesday we would go to Court. That Tuesday we received a call, which was somewhat disheartening. It was basically a recap of what she had told us the day before only now she thought we would get to Court that Friday (last Friday) or early this week. OK. Hold my breath.... So we hear nothing on Friday. We assume that Court will happen Monday or Tuesday. Still holding breath. So Monday, nothing. Tuesday we are told that the contact in Ethiopia is on vacation and they haven't heard anything. here is the kicker....we are told that we have been "filed" with the Court. What?? What?? My question becomes, weren't we filed with the Court in April? We are assured that we will receive a quick Court date. What??? This isn't making sense. We should have "passed" Court not be waiting for a Court date. Court closes in a week and will remain closed until mid-OCTOBER. The answers to my questions remain unanswered. My emails appear to be ignored. I am livid. If we weren't filed in April as we were told then we will have to travel to Ethiopia for our Court date. We were told we wouldn't have to travel months back. Please say it isn't so. Please don't make us wait until October or later to pass Court. Please, enough already.
I have gone around the bend on this. I have no patience. I can't make any rational decisions. I can't even pray, despite many attempts. Why is this happening? If this is some grand plan, I fail to see it. Why Lord?? Why??

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Where the Wild Things....went on vacation

Much needed rest. Relaxation. Up into the woods. Away from people. Away from phones, computers, work. Just hanging with the fam.

Monday we drove our little "Fun Finder" to Lost Trail Resort. Just miles from the bustling burg, Sula, Montana. Jeez....population like, 20? Back to my childhood. So nice to go back again. Somehow things never really change in the woods. We parked our little trailer and settled in. Surprisingly we were the only people there. Nobody in the RV park, nobody in the cabins. Just us. We had the pristine pool to ourselves. It was paradise. With mosquitos and horse flies.

On Thursday we packed up and drove over the pass and into the Big Hole. After lunch at Fetty's Cafe in Wisdom, we headed to our final destination.....Elkhorn Hot Springs. Yep, another hot springs. Are you following our pattern here? Anyway, despite the beauty and remote location, we were nearly eaten alive by the mosquitos and horse flies. Thursday evening BB and Papa J came up from Dillon for dinner. Steak, potatoes and....bugs. Friday Nana, Papa S and Sis arrived for lunch. It was really a beautiful day. But, alas, we called it and headed home not long after our guests left. The Empress is apparently very allergic to mosquito bites and had several swell up to unbelievable size despite benedryl and caladryl. We arrived home late last evening. Exhausted but happy.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

And a marvelous time was had by all!!!

T's sis J is to blame. For it all. It was wonderful. Marvelous really.
Last weekend T's family, plus a hundred or so close family friends and relatives, got together and surprised two of the most special people in the world. T's folks. It was a massive undertaking, but sister J managed to pull it off without a hitch.
The story really started fifty years ago. T's parents wedding. But, the planning for the anniversary party to end all anniversary parties started a couple years back. While at a family reunion at the Lutheran church camp on the lake, J put a down payment on the camp for a weekend. That weekend, nearly 2 years later, was last weekend.
Friday evening we chauffered the folks down to the camp with the tiny fib that we were meeting J for dinner at a cabin she had rented at the other end of the lake. They were oblivious up until they entered the packed dining hall and were regaled by all their favorite people. Friday night was a barbeque and birthday parties for the they both also turn 70 this year. Saturday was kinda a free-for-all on the lake (i.e. boating, swimming, visiting, etc.). Saturday evening after a dinner of burgers and fries we had a sock hop, complete with a DJ playing 50's music and everyone sporting 50's attire. It was marvelous fun. Sunday was a wonderful church service in their honor.
It was truly perfect. T's folks are amazing people and it was sooo nice to show them all how very much we all love them!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Bad

I can't believe that I forgot to wish the love of my life, my reason for living, the father of my child, my best friend, a happy birthday. Well that is not true. I did wish him a happy birthday, just not on my blog. So, happy belated wishes Love!!

T turned 44 on the 28th. It was a super birthday in my opinion. But, then again, it wasn't my birthday. I do believe that he too also thought it was grand. The Empress and I gave him a Kindle. I think he liked it, though he was quick to point out that an ipad is just a few $100 more. I love my Kindle. Love it. And though T has never been the book hound I am, I think he will love it too. He travels alot and what is better than reading a great book to pass the time?

On his birthday we met our wonderful (and extremely thoughtful) friends S and B down at the lake. We jumped in the boat and slowly made our way to "The Docks" for dinner. The Empress loved the trip and even conned B into letting her drive. When we finally arrived we all had high hopes for a wonderful dinner. Alas, that would not be. We literally waited for 30 minutes for our drinks and another full hour until our food arrived. We had all ordered the seared Ahi and we all sent it back. It was horrible. Horrible. I have never, ever, ever sent a meal back. After that we ordered nachos and that too was pathetic, not to mention we paid $12.50 for a plate of cold spaghetti with butter for the Empress. Yuck. Anyway, despite the horrible meal, we still had a blast with our friends. Talk about sweet, they actually stopped at DQ and showed up at the house after getting back to town. They wanted T to have a special treat for his birthday. Awesome.