Saturday night was the Empress' third dance recital. The prior two were with a different dance studio that we left for several reasons. The new one....well, all I will say is, it is prestigious, expensive, and, well.... disappointing. The Empress loves to dance and ballet has been her favorite. This tickles me, as I loved ballet and danced for over 10 years. Her goal is the toe shoe. It is years and years away, but that is her motivation. Plus, she is very good. Has a lovely elegance about her dancing.
So, the disappointment. Well, shall we say that I paid a lot of money and I expect her class to at a minimum, know a very basic routine. Minus several minutes of "free dancing" on stage. For goodness sake, her program two years ago was 100 times better. I am not knocking my daughter here. She did all the moves perfectly. She was the only one. I had to tell her after the rehearsal to just focus on herself as she was whispering and pointing to the other little girls who were completely lost. Saturday she did great. Smiled and focused on herself. I was very proud of her.
Now, with that said, I do not want to continue with this dance studio. I have given the Empress several options: go back to the prior studio (which she loved), take a year off, try gymnastics, or taekwondo. The Empress immediately said that she would like to take a year off and try gymnastics. I agreed. But, she made it clear to me that she would only be taking a year off, then she would return to ballet.
Good. Feeling better. Glad she has another year of dance behind her. Looking forward to filing our Monday evenings with something a little more productive.