How to explain our relationship. Well, in a word essential. By that I mean simply, I need him to survive. To lose him would be like cutting my heart out and squashing all the air out of my lungs. He is so much a part of me that without him I am only half. Very poetic, right? But it is this relationship that makes it possible for me to simply understand love like that of Romeo and Juliet. His love is the air I breathe. Truly. Undying, enduring, and everlasting.
We started dating when I was 14 years old, but that wasn't the beginning of our relationship. You see, T and I grew up on the same block, 4 houses away from each other. We played as small children. He was always in my life. My mom likes to tell the story of how as a young girl I was eating breakfast when T showed up with his Dad to pick up the garbage. She says that our eyes met through the window and she knew in that moment we would be together. I remember that day, that moment. I was about 7 or 8 years old. We dated through high school and married 6 years later. We have been through many things together, several life threatening, and together we made it through....our love pulled us through.
Ours is a love story. We like being together. We compliment each other. We enjoy the same things, have the same tastes, laugh together. We are best friends. He is the love of my life. I feel safe when he is near. There are two quotes from movies that come to mind when I think of our relationship. First, from "Moulin Rouge"..."Come what may. I will love you until my dying day." And second, from "The Princess Bride"..."He will always come for me."
So today I wish to thank T for loving me. For marrying me. For being my best friend and the love of my life. Happy 20th Anniversary Babe!