Finally. Seems there was some problem obtaining baby boy's birth certificate. Because they had that trouble, the other documents required for the embassy appointment were not prepared. So, our embassy date has been moved back to October 6. Actually, that move was a relief. I know, I know, I have been ranting forever on the wait and now I am relieved at we have an extra 2 weeks. Weird. Though I would go tomorrow, I feel sorta pressed at the moment. The Empress has just started Kindergarten, I have cut back to part time and time seems to be slipping through my fingers. I feel the need to get the Empress settled. Kindergarten has unnerved me, not her. We also need to check some important things off our check list before we are ready to travel. First we need to add little guy to our insurance, visit the pediatrician and obtain meds and instructions, visit our medical provider for meds, request money, have Wills drawn up, and many more probably insignificant tasks. Of course there is packing. Ugh. But, as of today we have obtained confirmation of our flights and requested reservations at the guest house associated with our agency. We had planned a brief jaunt to Paris, but that wish simply didn't work out due to connecting flights and having to obtain an additional visa for the little guy. So, we are breaking up the trip by flying first class from here to DC and then on the return flight with little guy, from DC home. Since the flight from here to DC is nearly 8 hours we will stay over one night on the way over and on the way back. From DC the flight to Addis is 15 1/2 hours.....ugh. Talk about a long flight. I just continue to pray that the little guy is a good traveler and we have no major meltdowns...either by him, or myself. So, we are preparing ourselves and will undoubtedly have all the ends tied up before we leave. I hope to blog our trip.....but that will be determined by internet availability.
We will be there in a month!!