Hard to believe today is the last day of the year. A time to reflect. A day to "un-decorate" the house. To pay bills and budget for the New Year. And of course a day to set goals for oneself. I have honestly made dozens of resolutions in past years. All broken in the first months of the new year. Yet I make them. This year I will once again make resolutions but with a renewed confidence that I will accomplish them...this time.
Looking back.....
Adoption waiting, and waiting and waiting....
Mom and Dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary
Turning 40....ugh
The Empress' dancing debut
10+ pounds...ugh
Friends at the lake
Oregon vacation...woohoo
Dad's pace maker
T's return to teaching
New Moon
Christmas prime rib dinner with family
Not a big list, but meaningful in my little world. Before ending my last post of 2009, I need to address the adoption subject. Months ago I lamented on our stagnant adoption with Burkina Faso. I stated that in the absence of a referral before Christmas, we would be making a big decision...whether to stay with the program or withdraw. After much discussion we decided to withdraw. Our adoption agency suggested a move into the Ethiopia program....the program we had originally applied for. So, we switched. It was a very difficult decision to make for many reasons. But in the end we are at peace with our decision and excited with our new direction. With any luck we will be bringing home the newest member of our family in 2010.
Happy New Year. May you prosper. May you find peace in your life's direction. Wishing you health and happiness. Happy 2010!