I am a Paralegal. Love my job. Work for the best guy who is also a good friend and an awesome attorney. So here is the rub. Trial. It is approaching at a breakneck speed. Why should this matter you say. Well, I am not on trial, nor am I an attorney or a Judge, or a juror. What I am is an inexperienced operator of a crazy trial presentation program called Trial Director. Ultimately it will be me in the little chair in front of the jury box struggling to call up exhibits, testimony, jury instructions, and odds and ends my boss wishes to present. Sounds managable right? It would be if I knew the program.
This program is awesome. It really is. If I had the time to properly learn the program I am sure I could dazzle even the most bored juror. A week ago I began my first tutorial and by today I have loaded all my documents, created my workbooks and set up a pretty nifty presentation. So, why doesn't it work?? It should work. It looks like it works. Then I set it up with the projector and everything goes to hell.
Monday is trial. I will do something worth writing about I am sure. Whether good or bad. I will keep you posted.